Demo Lessons

Summer 2003

Demo Lessons for 2002

These lessons have been archived. If you would like a copy of a lesson, contact: Please include the Title of the Demonstration Lesson.

Title of Demonstration Lesson
June 30, 2003
Paula Griffith
Multigenre Writing
Beth Hammett
Storytelling to Writing
July 1, 2003
Joe Bernhart
Making Meaning
Kristi Piper
Reader as Writers/Writers as Readers
July 2, 2003
Jennifer Montgomery
Using Children's Literature and Art
Handouts only
Kelly Beauchamp
Write Me a Picture! Using Quality Lit.
July 3, 2003
Susie Lovejoy
Mini-Lessons (Handouts only)
July 7, 2003
Yolanda Anzewu
Poetry Cafe
Terri Beeler
Show Don’t Tell: Painting Pictures with Words
July 8, 2003
Cathy Mergele
Writing Assessment
Daniel’ Richard
Graphic Organizers
July 9, 2003
Lisa Frase
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Diane Fanning
Sensory Man
Jim Holder
July 14, 2003
Julie Horn
A Paired Think Aloud Model for Solving Mathematical Word Problems
Michele Nelson
Voices in Writing
July 16, 2003
Janet Allen
Expository Writing For Primary Grades
Shannon Zell
Sink or Swim
Andre Calderon
Poetry in the Primary Grades
Audrey Simmons
Integrating Writing into the Mathematics Curriculum
Dianne Frasier
Writing Development
July 17, 2003
Sheryl Alexander
Establishing Positive Teacher Students Relationships
Joanie DeForest
Discovering the Writer’sVoices in You
July 21, 2003
Jennifer Vogelgesang
Descriptive Writing Using the Five Senses
Shannon Lamar
Developing Details in Writing (Using Characters)
Anne Zesiger
Shared Reading & Main Idea/Detail Notes
Deborah Vichos
Riveting Revision: Embracing the Change
July 23, 2003
Maywattie Dyal
Writing to Build Character
Dorothy Andazola
Memoir, a Type of Autobiography
Erma Mae Phillips

The Art of Playwriting

Nancy Barnhart
What is Your Point?
July 24, 2003
Molly McClure
Action Research to Promote Self Directed Learning