Contact Information:
Kathy Matthew
Schools and universities must work together as equal partners.
Successful teachers of writing and reading come together during university Summer Invitational Institutes and work together to develop quality inservice programs.
Successful practicing teachers have a credibility no outside consultant can match, making them the best teachers of other teachers.
Summer Invitational Institutes involve teachers from all levels of instruction, because student writing develops overtime.
Summer Invitational Institutes involve teachers from across the disciplines because writing and reading are fundamental to learning in all content areas.
The process of writing can be understood best by engaging in that process first hand, hence teachers of writing must also write.
Real change in classroom practice happens over time; effective staff development programs are on-going and systematic.
What is known about the teaching of writing and reading comes not only from research but from the practice of those who teach writing and reading.
The National Writing Project recognizes that there is no single “right” approach to the teaching of writing, and is open to new ideas and research.